QBO/CRM Reconciliation


Complimentary notes:

  1. Pulling from QBO
    1. Use donation income account – not just Sales Receipts
  2. Pulling from CRM
    1. Exclude pledges, non-donations, refunds, and soft credits
  3. Save file path
    1. Client Name > Database > YYYY Year-end Statements
  4. Naming files
    1. Client Name YYYY Reconciliation YYYYMMDD System
  5. Formatting QBO file
    1. Delete merged cells
    2. Use “text to columns” to convert date
  6. Comparing files
    1. Paste values and use =a1-b1 formula
    2. Create list of actions per system
  7. repull reports – use v2 in file name

*One topic not demonstrated in this video is the Fund/Class reconciliation. Totals by Fund/Class should be compared to ensure appropriate designations. This can be done in the pivot table, but moving the “fund” or “class” field, respectively, to the Pivot Table “columns” box.
