Complimentary notes:
- Pulling from QBO
- Use donation income account – not just Sales Receipts
- Pulling from CRM
- Exclude pledges, non-donations, refunds, and soft credits
- Save file path
- Client Name > Database > YYYY Year-end Statements
- Naming files
- Client Name YYYY Reconciliation YYYYMMDD System
- Formatting QBO file
- Delete merged cells
- Use “text to columns” to convert date
- Comparing files
- Paste values and use =a1-b1 formula
- Create list of actions per system
- repull reports – use v2 in file name
*One topic not demonstrated in this video is the Fund/Class reconciliation. Totals by Fund/Class should be compared to ensure appropriate designations. This can be done in the pivot table, but moving the “fund” or “class” field, respectively, to the Pivot Table “columns” box.