Team Lead Practice Calls

You’re a new team lead and your about to lead your first call! Luckily, you don’t have to sweat it. This weekly practice call with your mentor will help you feel ready and confident.


So, what is a practice call? During a practice call, you’ll log into Zoom and greet your mentor as if they were the client. You’ll do all the things you normally do – greet the client, ask if they have anything they’d like to start with, share your screen, and start reviewing the agenda.


Your mentor will act as the client, asking questions they might ask and coaching you on how to respond. They may give you tips on topics you have questions about and point out better ways to navigate sharing your screen and leading the conversation. 


You’ll have a practice call with your mentor for the first four weeks you lead calls. By that time, you should be feeling pretty confident and ready to roll on your own.

Action items for you:
  1. Schedule a 15-minute practice call with your mentor for the first 4 weeks that you lead calls
  2. Remember to prepare your agenda and send it to the client at least 1 day before the call
  3. Be sure you have the notes and links you need ready in your Touch Base Agenda in Teamwork