Accordus Password Policy
Please review the notes below and take action as needed:
1. Use unique passwords – It’s ok to write them down and keep them in a secure location in your home. It is safer to write them down than to reuse your passwords. Once hackers break into one account, then they will try the same password against every other login they know about you.
2. Use Keeper to generate your passwords: see video here
- 8+ characters
- most characters use numbers, special keys, upper and lower case
- Get creative each time you need to create a password by pulling from whatever is happening in the moment, i.e.: kid#2isRUNningw/$c!ssors
- SaFePaSsWord is not as safe as $af3p@$$w0rd!
- Create strong passwords but no need to reset passwords every 60-90 days
- For your Accordus email, use a password that you can remember and use easily that still hits the above requirements. (i.e. ILoveCheese%^78)
3. Use Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA). An authenticator app (like Google Authenticator or the one built into Keeper) is preferred over a phone number for your own unique user accounts. Hackers can use a special app to steal your phone number to authenticate themselves via texted codes.
4. Check your Keeper Security Dashboard and address any At-Risk items.
- When logged into keeper, select ‘Security Audit’ on the left-hand navigation to get a good overview on the security of your passwords.
- Additionally, when selecting individual passwords saved in your vault, Keeper will inform you the strength of your password.
- Please make sure to create strong password combinations by using the generate passwords feature for all accounts.